Randy B. Cronic, MD
Family Medicine Physician

Lifelong Georgia native. Have practiced all aspects of primary care including pediatrics, OBGYN, Sport medicine, internal medicine, geriatric medicine, and hospice/palliative medicine. What motivates me as a doctor is the joy of seeing improvements in patients physical and mental health.
Medical Degree
- Medical Degree at The Medical College of Georgia, 1987
- Spartanburg Regional Medical Center, Family Medicine, 1991-1994
Board Certification
- Family Medicine
- Triathlons
- Bike racing
- Running
- The joy of seeing improvements in my patients physical and mental health.
If I wasn't a provider..
- I would be a researcher.
Fun Fact
- I was previously the team physician for the Atlanta Falcons.

Randy B. Cronic, MD
Family Medicine Physician

Proudly helping patients for
30 years
Primary Care
Urgent Care
Weight Loss